🔒 Member thread: What's one piece of advice that's changed the way you work/live?
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What the heck is asynchronous communication anyway?
And what you can do to start implementing it, whether you're an individual contributor or a team leader.
🔒 Member thread: Introduce yourself! What is async to you?
This is a member-only thread. Want to see what people are saying? Join us...
How companies made productivity a personal problem
How the hell did finding the time and focus to do our actual jobs become an individual responsibility? And what can we do about it?
Is Slower Team Communication a Bad Thing?
A conversation with Yac’s CEO on how his remote team gets more done by communicating asynchronously
Can Walking Meetings Lead to Healthier Lives?
A conversation with Spot’s CEO on how opinionated technology can support healthier collaboration and healthier lives
What Does the Future of People Operations Look Like?
A conversation with Oyster’s Head of Remote on how distributed teamwork is transforming the field of HR forever
How a Diversity Recruiting Start-Up Went All-Remote and ‘Never Looked Back’
How Headstart used Twist to transition from a strong office culture to an even stronger distributed team
Makers vs Managers: The Battle Over Remote Work
Managers want to go back to the office. Employees aren’t so sure.
How a Doctor-in-Training Bootstrapped One of the World’s Most Popular Med Ed Startups
Lewis Potter shares how he grew Geeky Medics to 3 million monthly viewers and 600,000 YouTube subscribers, all without quitting his day job